Contact Us

Contact Us…

…if there is any further information you would like to know about us, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email or fill in the form below. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Our website is still in progress and in the coming months we will be adding more and more content so that you, our generous supporters, can keep up to date with all that we are doing.

Write to Asian Elephant Wellness Project…

The Legal Bit…

The Asian Elephant Wellness Project is organized exclusively for public, charitable, and/or educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Distribution to Other Organizations and Individuals

Asian Elephant Wellness Project may exercise its right under law to contribute to non 501 (c)(3) organizations only on the condition that Asian Elephant Wellness Project retains control over the use of the funds and maintains records showing that the funds are used for exclusively charitable purposes in accordance to our mission. 

Foreign contributions will include assistance given to individuals or organizations outside of the United States which have been selected by the board of directors after conducting due diligence and a thorough investigation. The process of selection is in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations concerning our exempt status.